Friday, April 8, 2011

The Punisher

Would that you got to at least wear the cool costume of The Punisher when you were called for to "punish". But instead it usually happens when you are standing in your underwear giving three kids a bath. Trying to keep my sense of humor is always my first line of "why in the flip did you do that" coming out of my mouth, but it is not always the case. Recently one of my boys was very very disrespectful to his Mom, and she got him right where he lives, the cell phone. It just went "blink" and now it is just a big timepiece for his pocket. Having to deal with this kind of stuff is not mentioned in the "parenting is great" brochure, maybe it is in the terms and condiditons section that none of us read when we sign up for a service or product, kind of like the owners manual. Wouldn't that be the biggest kick in the head, if in all that crap paperwork they give you when you are leaving the hospital with your little squalling bolonga loaf there was a checklist to follow so your son or daughter would grow up to be the next Mother Teresa or Mahatma Ghandi, but since we don't as a rule deal with the details well we get Teresa the waitress or Apu the slushy machine operator. Sigh,

Oh well, sometimes parenting is like field dressing a deer, you know it has to be done but you also know that your going to be getting something nasty on your clothes to get it done.

Be strong, and use spray and wash on your "deer stains".

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