Friday, March 18, 2011

back to the blog

Alright, I'll do it. I'll start writing again. Sometimes though I just havea hard time writing anything that I think is profound. Or worth the time to read. All I can really hope to do is make someone who reads this go, "man, at least I am not that crazy/messy/stressed of a dad. That would be fine. I guess. I'm not sure. But to give this some frame of reference we'll probably just march our way slowly through teh alphabet. Next post will be simpley "A".

1 comment:

  1. You don't have to write anything profound! Just let us know a bit about what is going on day to day with the kids and your household. I miss you guys and this would be a great way to feel connected. Not everything has to be poignant or funny - my blog is boring most of the time! But we're nosy family and like to know what's going on. haha
