Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sled + pole = time in hospital

We couldn't afford snowboarding for the kids on the first day of 2010. It was going to be $80 per person and at 10 participants that was going to get a little pricey really quick. So, instead we go sledding on Suicide Hill with family. The afternoon is going great and we are having a good time. I noticed my two year old is wanting to slide down the hill but no on is letting her hitch a ride. Wanting to make sure she is having fun and not just cold I put her on a snow tube with me and down the slower looking run we go. And it was slower, until we hit that ice patch and took off. I sat her off the tube (don't remember doing it but my brother in laws assure me they saw me do it) right before the crunch of power pole meets my ribs.

Crud, this is not going to be a good start to the new year.